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Churchill Fellowship Information Session -
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Churchill Fellowship Information Session


Travel to investigate. Return to innovate!

Travel overseas to investigate inspiring practices that benefit Australian communities on a Churchill Fellowship!

The Churchill Trust, in partnership with your local Churchill Fellows’ Association (CFA), is on the road throughout February and March to deliver a National Roadshow of Information Sessions about the 2018 Churchill Fellowship opportunity.

This unique award provides a platform for you to connect, collaborate and learn from global experts and like-minded peers to achieve the best outcomes for a project you design, in any field.

Listen to some of our extraordinary Churchill Fellows share their Fellowship experiences, impart insights on their fascinating projects and motivate you with what they have achieved since returning to Australia.

Discuss your project ideas and gain helpful advice on how to apply!

It is free to attend these sessions but bookings are essential. Tea, coffee and a light snack will be served from 5:30-6:00pm prior to the presentation.
For more information or to register please visit or phone the Churchill Trust on (02) 6247 8333.

Testimonials from Churchill Fellows

The echoes of my Churchill Fellowship odyssey will linger and enrich the rest of my life.

Michael Cahill

Every aspect of this incredible journey has provided me with life changing experiences that will help not only myself in my personal endeavours but also many, many other Australians

Debbie Hyder

Memories of this wonderful opportunity will remain forever. I have travelled on an empowering journey of self-discovery and professional improvement to benefit Australians
Dale Jones


Mar 13 2018


05:30 PM - 07:30 PM




Queensland Multicultural Centre
102 Main Street, Kangaroo Point
Churchill Trust


Churchill Trust
(02) 6247 8333

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